Learn to read Chinese... with ease! by ShaoLAn

by - June 30, 2017

Shaolan is the girl who was growing up in taiwan by her parent who are a calligrapher. She said that one of the most treasured memories of her life was her mother showing her the beauty, the shape and the form of chinese characters. Since then, she was fascinated by this incredible language. Since she was five, she started to learn drawing every single stroke for each character in the correct sequence. She learned new charactes every day during the course of the next 15 years.

A Chinese scholar would understand 20,000 characters. You only need 1,000 to understand the basic literacy. The top 200 will allow you to comprehend 40 percent of basic literature -- enough to read road signs, restaurant menus, to understand the basic idea of the web pages or the newspapers. Telling that chinese’s language has a lot of characters to remember.

She was going to tell and teach the audience how to make it simpler and easier to understand, exactly by doing several things that involved our kinds of daily life experince. Then, she started to model how she used her brain to remember the very simple 8 characters that will help you to remember and understand the basic chinese. After explaining all of the mothods, she stopped the presentation with a very cool slide in chinese which is telling about the word that reminds the audience and her that she should stop talking and getting out of the stage “exit”.

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