Globalization and Muslim Society
There are a number of definitions about
globalization from many perspectives. According to Waters (2002), globalization is
a social process in which the
constraints of geography on social
and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly
aware that
they are receding. Globalization can be defined
as a process of integration
local characteristics into
global flows which are mostly done by means
of new communication and information technologies. As we fell and see that
the affects of globalization itself that influence our communication and
technologies. Furthermore, nowdays the way people communnicate each other is
global, how they could communicate so fast form different place just because the
technologies and that is the effect of globalizations. Globalization also can
be seen in the field of economy and how it changes the process. It is historically seen as a process integrating local economies into the
world economy; it seems to refer to a space where the global and local interact, and the means of interaction is information and communication technologies (Tapper, 2000,
p.524). It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial
flows. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of
people (labor) and knowledge (technology) across
international borders (International Monetary fund, 2002). Giddens (1990) describes globalization as the rapid development in communication technology, information, and transport which bring the remotest parts
of the world within easy reach.
As we see and fell the changed itself.
Moreover, Its aspects in many terms influence many things
in the world. So does into the society. Muslim society, as the population is
big already takes globalization as an opprtunity for the development. As
the 21st century begins, almost one out of every five human
beings is a Muslim. In the course of the 21sr century a quarter of the human race will probably be Muslim. The new demographic presence of lslam within
the Western world is indicative that Islamisation is now a major globalising force (Shuja,2000).
As islamisasation a major globslising force, the rapid of muslim society is so
fast. As it can be seen that not also in the western also but also in the
central Asia, the growing of muslim is so fast. Indonesia which part of Asia
has the largest population of muslim.
paper aims to discuss how the globalization influence to the muslim society.
How the the globalization becomes the opportunity to the muslim society for the
term of social life, the muslim society takes globalization as a good movement.
Islam is a religion that bring peace. Islam is not just only a religion but also
a life orientation. Islam is a good guidance to live the life for all the human
kind. Its methods of worship clearly reflect the
globalism of its mission. For example prayer is offered five times
a day and while offering prayers Muslims stand in
a single row, bow together, prostitute together by standing shoulder
Fasting is another pillar of Islam. Fasting is observed in the
month of Ramazan in the entire
Hajj another
pillar of Islam which represents the global mission Islam
Millions of people from all over the
globe perform
Hajj in the same period in the same
style wearing same clothes. Islam
endowed with
concept global
governance called as Khilafat (Ayub, 2016).
In the new era of globalization,
most of all human being have became an open-minded person. The way people see
and treat each other has already no discrimrination. It also affect of the free
movement of the globalization and the technologies. Islam itself takes this as
the opportunity, how in islam there is no discrimination. Muslim live in unity
as it perfoms in hajj where every single person form all over the world come
and unite to worship. Islam rejects the idea of ‘chosen people’ that are favoured by God over others because of
their race, color
or origin. Thus a direct relationship is established with God, open to
all alike without
discrimination or intercession.
Quran refutes the argument
Jews and Christians
as the chosen people (Ayub, 2016). Allah mentions
in Chapter 2, Verse
And they say: None entereth paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian. These
their own desires. Say, bring your proof (of what you state)
you are truthful.
The Quran mentions in the same Chapter Verse 112 that
Nay, but
whosoever surrendereth his purpose to Allah while
doing good, his reward is with His Lord;
and there
fear come upon
them neither
shall they
In social life, there is also a
challenge for muslim to their islamic identity. In the new era of globalization, there is a
also a problem about racism. A lot of media all over the world make bad news about islam. How they twist the
news and make a bad image of islam.
Md Noon (1997) stated that global media makes continuous
effort to disseminate negative impression on Islam through
continuous depiction of misleading
and misconception of certain terminologies such as terrorism, violent
behavior, fanaticism, and fundamentalism. Sometimes, it manipulates and exploits
news and events occurred in Muslim countries. The Judeo
Christian Circle controls the global media and spreads
hatred against Islam. The globalized
Western media's manipulation, cultural invasion
and neoelectronic imperialism have contributed significantly towards the disunity
and deterioration of the Muslim
world and image of Islam.
Yousuf Ali (n.d) explained that the doubledstandard
and biased global media coverage on Islam brings about undesirable effects to
the Muslim world. Such unethical and immoral practices contradict to the teaching of Islam. Thus, it is
obvious that the global
media aims to liberalize thought,
culture and lifestyle of
Muslims community through exporting Western culture, values and products into the mind of the Muslim teenagers." Consequently,Muslim teenagers are being manipulated to believe that Islamic teaching
and values on dress code, social conduct and so forth become irrelevant. Global media also promotes free mingling among the sexes and cohabita tion
lifestyle, even livein
There also a challenge for muslim after some
tragedy that happened. For instance, tragedy September 11, 2001 attacks on
World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC . Before any evidence was revealed about the identity of the
attackers, and within a few minutes, Islam and
Muslims were
placed in the dock by
leading American newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post.
In the Western media,
Islam was also painted as a violent religion, and ordinary people were made to believe that Islam and terrorism go hand-in hand (Ayub, 2016). It just a little example
how the effects of globalization that news spread really fast. At the end, all
over it comes back to the media itself. As Ahmad (n.d) said that media is one
of actors that are playing a decisive role in bringing about what
can be described as the
emergence of a hyper-imperialism, giving it the benign name: 'globalization.’ In this case, Muslim
have to take a big role, to show the world that islam is a religion that bring
peace. Furthermore, in the era of
technology, we are as muslim can take it for granted. To use it in positive way
and take it as an opportuniy for the development for our own islamic identity.
In the era of
this globalization, muslimah can already use veil or hijab without no doubt
beacuse of human rights. Veil or hijab is a culture of women in islam. Before
the movement of globalization, it is hard for muslimah to show their identity.
It is hard for them to show the world about their culture. When muslimah use it
in country that muslims are minorty, they will be judged because of racism. They
will be seen as a terrorist. Even nowdays sometimes it still happens, but now
muslimah can feel the effects of free movement of globalization. After that,
globalization as an opportunity for muslim women in modesty wheren nowdays veil
or hijab becomes one of modest in the world. Wilson (2012) studied a variety of subcultures and religious groups who are influenced by
the globalization of consumerism and symbolism of
modesty in fashion and argued that current definitions of modesty in media denotes two entirely different things, first meaning exposure
of the female bother, and another concerning the diminishing visibility of Muslim womenThere are a lot of muslim designer that can go
global. Even in America, where the muslims are minority, muslimah fashion week
is held there. This is the effect of globalization where muslim women take
globalizations as the opportunity for them. Because of globalization, muslim
women feel blessed because they are seen the same. They feel blessed can use
their veil or hijab without afraid being judged as a terrorist. Moreover,
muslim women who becomes the enterpreneur are already blend into the industrial
system. This are one of the way to reduce the poverty by creating job get
Talking about
education in the era of globalizations, it influence so much to the muslim
society. In globalization era there is human rights which is everybody is the
same and should have a good and high education. The positive affects is there
are many scholarship for all muslim children. There is no discrimation in the
class. globlization has become a really goo impact to the field of education.
In Aceh, Indonesia there are a lot of scholarship and it is not a problem for
student who wearing veil or hijab. But,
in this era, there is a really big issue which become a problem is that christian
missionaries. They adopt many alluring tactics and methods such as establishing nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
on the banner of economic development, educational institutions and development, medical assistance or aid,
and cooperation
which have hidden
agenda to destroy the faiths of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and aborigines to convert them to
Christianity." There are many missionary bodies
and organizations that engage directly in converting people to one of the Christian sects such as the Protestant Church, the Roman Catholic and other various agencies. According to a survey in 1990 on the role of NGOs promoting Christianity,
there are 22 thousand service agencies, 23,800Newspapers and 2,160 radio and television centers, which engaged in
disseminating Christianity." At present, around five thousand foreign agencies and more than 100 thousand missionary institutions are working within the Muslim World. Their policies and ideas are to create economically and education
ally influential community
of converts, who would control all the key sectors of power, politics, education, social policy, bureaucracy, and military (Saidul, pg.183, 2001). I
experienced it my self, when we came to visit the victims of earthquake in
Aceh, Indonesia and wanted to give a trauma healing to childre. But, the parents
over there avoided us to give something fun like singing and dancing. They were
afraid because before we came, there some voluntee came said to give the trauma
healing but the tried to teach the children about cristian. As we can see, one
side globalizations is good where there is a disaster, people around the world
can know so fast and help. But on the other side, people will use the
opportunity to somethong wrong.
Every age has its
own fads and clichés. In contemporary times, ‘globalization’ seems to have become one; at least a sizeable section of the intellectual and political community of the world surmises so. Reservations aside, the developments
of the past two decades suggest that globalization no longer
to be a mere
fad or cliché; it is assuming the position of a framew ork for a re-ordering of
the world.
such, it is incumbent on
the Muslim ummah in particular and the people of
the third world in general to have a deeper understanding of what is going on. They must be able to sift the grain from the chaff;
to identify those aspects
of globalization that are useful, and as such desirable and acceptable, and those that are injurious and need to be resisted, modified or adapted to suit their conditions, needs and aspirations. The claim of inevitability and universality
has to be taken with
a pinch of salt. However, the
response should be positive as well as creative, since
isolation and autarky
are not the best options
(Ahmad, n,d).
In short,
Globalizations is a phenomenon that brings positive and negative aspects.
Globalizations gives people a choice how to face this movement. It can be an
opportunity and a challenge. Muslim society which the rapid so fast should have
concern with this phenomenon. Muslim all over the world should take an action
to show the world what and how islam is. Globalization can be a really good
opportunity to the muslim society for the development.
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