It's been 3 months...

by - January 22, 2019

Assalamualaikum 💕

how's  life? I hope all of you in a good condition. Aamin.

It's January 22nd 2019 and it means that today is the exact time that I've been living here in Jakarta for 3 months. Living in the capital city and far from home, Aceh.

I survived...

I know it sound cheesy for the word survive... but, let my own self intrepret it. hehehe

I still remember that time when the decision was made. I still remember those stories till I had to be ready. It was the condition I need to face, ready or not ready I should be ready.

Days before October 22nd 2018,

There were conditions which made me confuse whether I should take this opportunity or not. there were days my head was so crowded. there's a lot considerations, I gave so many thought on this one. I kept asking whether I should take or leave it. I asked my family and some of friends advice as well;

there were them who asked me to take it,
"ambil aja lah, ini kesempatan bagus" "ga semua orang bisa dapat, ambil aja" "lagian ke juga bisa melakukan persiapan-persiapan lainnya disana" "aku bangga dan senang kali dengarnya. udah sejauh ini des, tes nya juga ga mudah. ambil aja"
 "take it, this is a chance, not everyone can get it, take it, you can do the other preparations as well there, tho" "I'm proud and really happy, you've came so far, take it"
but there's also voice,
 "balik lagi ke diri ke, gimana maunya" 
"give it back to yourself"
 and my family as well, they gave it to my self. They also reminded me to perform istikharah prayer again.

I was that crowded, I knew this a chance, I mean... I don't know how to say...

There's only a lil story, there's a lot of the stories behind.

long story short, I kept saying
"ya Allah if this is good for me, if this one makes me closer to You, to what will I get. Then ease the way"

there were conditions I had a thought "why this is happen in the time I'm sure to take this one"
till I was surrender and let Allah showed the way. I kept thinking that
"If to go to Jakarta is my way, then whatever the situation and conditions happen, if Allah says I go then I'll go".... 

and one of my supervisor, he was one of the people that Allah let involved and took big part of this stories. Thankyou, Mr.S.

days before I flew to Jkt, my nanny was hospitalized, and my mom & the secret one were not in a good conditions...
can you feel me...

It was hard, but again and again, those loved ones kept encouraging and telling me that all is well insyaAllah. I'm grateful.

Till it happened...

The decision was made, the ticket was booked, the bag and stuff were packed.

well, okay then... so,
This the step that Allah wants me to take, Allah is the greatest. He always gives the best for His slaves. I Put trust on Him, always.

I had to be ready.

Facing the new things for good.

Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport, Aceh.
From my seat.
Mon, Oct 22nd 2018.
09:25, I took off to Jakarta.
This was my first time wandering for a long stay
My feeling were mixed

here's note I wrote for Aceh while I was on flight
Oct 22nd 2018.
Take my heart with you, and
please look after people I love
with all your goodness,
I'll miss you.
beyond than that, your people.

here I am...
Taking step away to go home
the farther I go, the stronger I hold
So, see you when I see you 💕

Last but not least,

you know, I think it's a human thing that sometimes we think this and that we feel this and that.
But, we have to keep remember that Allah is always with us, He knows what we don't know.
Keep doing, praying, and let everything happens in the most beautiful way because Allah is the greatest planner.

Allah is as-samii', He listens to every word string.

Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara.
January 22nd 2019,


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