Don’t insist on English!

by - June 29, 2017

The X
I’m sure, we usually hear X. Like, X-file, X prize. And  also the letter X usually represent the uknown. And also in math we found X.
All of us quetioned that. Where does it come from? And why is the letter X represents the uknown?

Terry moore decide to learn Arabic years ago and it turned out to be a supremely logical language. That’s one of the reasons western think science and mathn and engineering was really worked out in the first centuries of the common Era by the persians, Arabs, and the Turks.
In Arabic, every part is extremely precise and carries a lot of information. The little system in /arabic called al-jebra and it means “the system for reconciling  disparate parts”. It came into English as algebra.
The Arabic texts that contain mathematical wisdom then made thier way to Europe, to say Spain in the 11th and 12th centuries. And there were problem that some sounds in Arabic don’t make it through European without lost of practice. Those also very sounds not to be respresented by characters in European language.
There is the letter shin in Arabic. And it makes the sound “SH”. In arabic, there is a word shalan which means something like the English word “something”, undefined thing.
The was a problem for theMedival Spanish scholars, the letter shin and the word shalan can’t be translated into spanish because in Spanish there is no “SH” sound, so they borrowed “ck” sound form the classical greek in the form of the letter Kai.
When it is translated into commo European Language, to say Latin... they replaced the greek Kai with Latin X.
And that the answerd..
Yup why is X the uknown? It because you can  not say “SH” in spanish!

A lil bit funny, tho. But it is nice to share. Cheers~

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